Tuesday, April 24, 2007

On the "home" stretch

We spent the last month getting to this point. We hoped the be finishing up the nice hardwood floor by now, but we are a about 5 days behind. I made up some time by taking off last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. But there is still a lot to do. So we called in the big guns.

My dad, a professional contractor, is flying in on the red eye and will be arriving at 8am tomorrow. He will bang out the floor in no time and he will be holding down the fort and getting things finalized while Ian and I work all week.

This weekend, we have friends coming to help to the big move and by Sunday light we will be completely out of the apartment (…good lord wiling and the creek don’t rise).

Here are some pictures of the second coats of paint, the hard wood (disbursed strategically around the house) and the first few rows of the hardwood.


Anonymous said...

hello dahling - can you believe that i bookmarked a specific page and kept checking and thought you'd stopped updating? so sad. anyway, looks like the renovations and repairs are going amazingly well. yay for you!

Anonymous said...

Hum, who could "cpindc" be? Is that Sam?

RJM said...

Wow! You two and others have done a lot of work on your house! From the pics it looks great!!!!! How the hell did you get Ian to do that?!? (jk) Can't wait to come visit sometime later in the year!