Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eyebrow Clause

So today is Day 7 following my jaw surgery.

Before my surgery, thankfully I had a chance to live it up on vacation. But, as soon as I got home, I knew what lied in store. I had already done the meeting where they go over all the bad things that could possibility happen to you. I honestly believe that this spheel is not for me, the patient. It is the CYA spheel, they are just saying everything under the sun so you can’t sue them later. The worst thing they made me sign was the clause stating that I understood that the surgery was taking place next to the important thingy (nerve, muscle, etc) that allows me to move my eyebrows. I can't believe that I had to sign away my eyebrows before this procedure. Amazing.

Well, the good news is I can move my eyebrows and everything seems to be pretty much in working order. Sorta. I did get both sides placated (sewn in to place – ewwwwe gross) so that means I am on a liquid diet for the next three months (one down, 11 weeks to go).

I think that might be the hardest part of this whole experience. It is truly a forced diet. I am struggling everyday to get the right amount of nutrients, the pounds are flying off me and I am weak and cranky all the time. Not because I am hungry, that would be impossible as I eat, scratch that, drink every hour. But, because it seems like no matter how much I consume I just can’t reach the magic 2300 calorie marker. So this is the lingering effect, that and my head feels like the size of Texas.

On a more positive note. I am back to talking, back to work and back to being a pain in ISSB’s rear.

So that is the latest. More on the milkshake diet later!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Postcards from our trip: Part 5, Old San Juan

Because of layovers and crazy flight schedules ISSB and I got to spend one lovely night in San Juan. Knowing very little about Puerto Rico other than what Noel and Micah had to offer (ala which bars to visit) we didn’t really have a plan. So we got checked in to our hotel, hoped in a taxi and asked him to drop us off in the center of Old San Juan. Then we walked. And walked, and walked….

So here is a photo walking tour of Old San Juan – sit back and enjoy, unfortunately we can’t tell you much about what you are seeing as we did very little research.

(Mom, see the Obama sticker???)

That's all from our vacation. Hope that you enjoyed our "postcards."

Postcards from our trip: Part Four

Cheers to Sam and Tony!

They had a fantastic day, a beautiful ceremony and a perfect evening.

Postcards from our trip: Part 3

Sorry this took so long to post, surgery kinda kicked my butt and all I did for the last four days is sleep. Quick jaw note, I am not in as much pain, I get my stitches out tomorrow and I should be back in to the office on Wednesday. The liquid diet is for 12 weeks. So come October I plan to have a real meal again. Until then, protein shakes, juices and a lot of soups.

Now, on to the good stuff, here is Part Three of our stunning vacation shots, enjoy.

Our view from the villa.
My napping spot. Read two whole books here too.
Very quiet beach.
Looking back at Mango Bay from the taxi.
I love this shot. You have to open it to get the real feel.
Sitting in the taxi looking out at the resort.
View from the church.
Another view from the church.
Has to be one of the most stunning views from an alter ever.

Wedding beach.
Barbara's bag. (Since giving it to me it has been in 10 states, Puerto Rico and the BVIs.)

Next up, a few from the wedding and then Puerto Rico for the big finish!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Jaws…nope, not the movie

Regular readers, family and friends will know that I have been waiting patiently to have jaw surgery. Well, it has taken almost a year. Funny how I called it “on the fast track” last August.

To make a long story short. The insurance company only approved the right side of my jaw for surgery not the left. Apparently this major provider thinks I have jaws. Well doctors agree, I do only have one and if you work on one side you ought to work on the other as well. So appeal after appeal, waiting on hold for hours, getting mixed messages from my surgical coordinator and the insurance…and finally the last Friday in April they approved both sides.

And now, after all that, I go under tomorrow.

I won’t be talking for awhile. I am going on a liquid diet at least the next few weeks and at the worst the next 3-4 months. We just bought a juicer and I have tried out all the different protein drinks (so far I like Boathouse the best over Naked and Odwalla). But the good news is that they won’t wire me shut, but I have to be extra careful.

So wish me luck, send good vibes, be extra nice to ISSB: my favorite nursemaid, and don’t call – send email.

PS: since I will be laid up I will have plenty of time to finish the "Postcards from our trip" series.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Postcards from our trip: Part 2 Air Sunshine Edition

So when I say it was the longest day I mean it. We got up on Monday morning in Chicago, hit the Shedd, then the Taste and at 5pm returned the rental car at O’Hare. At 7pm we boarded the plane to Houston. Then from 9:30-midnight we hung out in Houston trying to stay awake. At midnight we boarded the next plane to San Juan. Thankfully we got upgraded to First Class, but still couldn’t sleep. Four and a half hours later (5:30AM local time) we landed in Puerto Rico. Got our luggage, went back up to ticketing to wait for the Air Sunshine (I kid you not) people to arrive. 8AM the Air Sunshine ticking woman strolls in, we get up from our chairs literally dazed and confused, and she then tells us that the 9:30AM plane has been canceled and we have to sit around the airport until 11:30 (this seems to be a habit of theirs). 11:30 board the plane (if you can call it that) to Virgin Gorda a 45 minute flight way. We landed in VG at 12:15, got through Immigration/Customs at 12:45 and were on our way to the resort. Now mind you, if that doesn’t sound like a long day, that night we had a BBQ with all the wedding guests, and then at 10PM went to the Bachelor and Bachelorette parties. Then, finally we got to go to sleep. That was a LONG DAY.

So, again, for those who know me well, when I said take our stock in Dramamine this year, I meant it. And that is why Part 2 of this series is completely dedicated to Air (f&%#ing) Sunshine.

So first, let me say, there are few people on the planet that I love enough to get on this little plane. Thankfully the bride and groom are two of them. Second, I have been syking myself up for this since we bought the tickets in March. Third, even though I was freaked out, the 16-year-old sister of the groom behind me was singing ”Under the Sea” in her best Sebastian voice, and the mother of groom was saying Hail Marys, and my boyfriend was flying co-pilot, I did good. In fact, since I didn’t puke, faint or scream I am going to say I did great!

The one thing I did do to keep my mind off the bumps, prayers and inevitable need for the recycled plastic grocery barf bag, was take a ton of photos. Forgive me, I don’t know which all the islands are (except for the first and last), so sit back, relax and enjoy this virtual flight.

(PS: if you really want to experience it like we did, bounce up and down, left and right and put on the Little Mermaid).

(On Island, they actually call it "Air Sometime"...honest, you can't make this stuff up)
This is our plane.
This is Puerto Rico from the air.
There goes Puerto Rico. Now, 45 minutes of random islands, I kept seeing runways thinking, hoping, they might be ours. But, alas, I think Virgin Gorda is the furtherest BVI from Puerto Rico.

So you have to open this one, to really get the idea of what you are looking at.
There is Virgin Gorda now.
Up front, that would be ISSB.
This is the airport?
Yup, the runway is made out of sand. I actually think 1/2 the day they set up umbrellas and let the locals swim.
Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, if only I didn't have to do it again on the way back. Ah well...that will be another post later this week.