Sunday, August 24, 2008

Help! Save the Dillo'

The Austin Capitol Metro is bumming me out. Today they cut four of the six free bus lines in Austin. The line that used to go from my house to my work wasn't cut entirely, no, they just made it completely inept by making it only go from the Capitol to the river and back. What really gets me is the line is so short you should be able to walk the 10 blocks that it covers! The old line at least ran about two miles making it useful!

Well I have never been known to give up easily, and in times of rising gas prices and unbelievable congestion I am not going to let this one just slip by. I started a petition on Care2 and you can sign it too.

It doesn’t cost anything and it would make my day if you would help me fight for more public transportation not less!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Austin's forcast for Monday

"Near record" - really!?!? What does it take to hit records around here? Yuck!!!

Sorry, I haven't posted recently. Been recovering, relaxing and trying not to overdo it. HA! Yeah right, I have been trying to recover, pretending to relax and getting scolded for overdoing it.

Next week I am headed back to my normal schedule of travel-travel-travel. This time off to San Francisco for a week. One wedding, one baby shower and one week of working out of the West Coast office - should be a nice trip!