Saturday, January 17, 2009

More pictures with Auntie M and Uncle ISSB

More fun photos of the little guy over Christmas, can't get enough of him, he is way too cute.

Just got great news that there is a San Fran trip in my near future so we get to meet Little Lucy too! I love being Auntie M!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Winter wonderland

Sarge is wearing a tee from Michelle (in the Gallery) that says "Rudolph ain't got nothing on me" to stay warm.

Christmas with Phoenix (and the rest of the family)

I had the most amazing holiday...and all because I finally got to meet my favorite nephew (my only, but who's counting). Over the next few days (as I learn to use iPhoto) I will post more pictures from the holiday home with Phoenix.

Here with my brother, I think they look a lot alike.
And here he is admiring my handy work on his train stocking.


For Christmas, ISSB gave the two of us bikes. When I opened up a bike bell on Christmas morning I squealed with joy! A bike! I haven't ridden in forever! But, you know what they say...

Over the weekend we visited numerous bike shops, we spent hours looking at them and searching the internet. Our friend Evan, an avid biker, recommended a new bike shop that has recently opened in Austin, Mellow Johnny's. MJ's (located right downtown and only a few blocks from my office) is owned by Lance Armstrong and they put an emphasis on commuting, they even have showers and coffee available to commuters and you can leave your bike there all day, they'll even tune it up for free while they watch it.

Yesterday I successfully commuted to and from work on it and today I made it in in 26 minutes. Not bad. Tonight I am even going to stop at Whole Foods to pick up dinner on the way home.

Now, if only it wasn't up hill both ways!